Fire Safety Training - Evacuation Drill (避難訓練)
Recently we had a fire drill training for the students to practice what to do in the case of a fire at the school. Before the practice, students watched a video in their classrooms about what to do in case of a fire.
Then it was announced by the office staff that there was a fire in the school.
Students evacuated the school in different places. Some went out through the windows and used outside stairs and others came down the inside stairs. In this way it is faster for the students to exit the school.
It took about 5 minutes for all the students to leave the classrooms and meet in the school yard. The vice principal took attendance of students, and then the principal of the junior high and high school spoke to the students.
Then we all returned to the classrooms to begin 5th period. As always the school will think about ways to make it faster and safer for the students.
カテゴリ: 教室より|投稿時刻:2024年10月18日